Sunday, January 23, 2011

Measly Things

Our world is such an amazing place. I know that all of these lights might be a beautiful picture of us ruining the wilderness, but it just makes me feel so close to people who arent near me anymore. My friend paul, he is at one of those dots. Erin, well she is in a small town but i know she lives right near another of them. Even Bethal, and Stella, and and my (sort-of) penpal from Africa have a dot. I know this is so simple and might not even mean anyhting to you guys. You all have lives by yourself. Some of you are finding love, others loosing it. Some of you are watching TV, and others are reading, or writing. I dont know i just feel all....sentimental I guess.


Chloe Cunningham said...

Shucks... I think I live in a dark spot, that's what I get for living in the middle of Nowheresville, nowhere. :P
ANYWAYS, that's an amazing picture! Talk about coolness...

Luker said...

Agreed! I love this picture!

Chloe Cunningham said...

I know! Pure. Awesomeness.